Society begins with marriage and the family. Marriage is the preeminent and the most fundamental of all human social institutions: A bond between one man and one woman, intended for life, and open to the gift of children. Children do best in a home with a mom and a dad.
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On January 30, just a few weeks from now, I will present oral argument before the Court of Appeals in our case defending Kim Davis. The Court must now decide if people can be civilly SUED for daring to exercise their religious freedom rights.
The mainstream media failed to report on a critical warning issued by Justice Samuel Alito regarding two people who were booted from the jury pool solely because of their Christian beliefs.
The U.S. Department of Education recently withdrew a proposed rule change under Title IX sex discrimination law that would have allowed gender-confused male athletes to play on women’s sports teams. The Biden administration admitted that...
Luis Ruiz is a changed man, thanks to a mystery man who prayed over him, revealing the love of Christ, and the Christian counseling that followed.
John* and Julie’s* beautiful little 5-year-old girl, Mariana*, suffers from autism. Among her disabilities is difficulty understanding language and processing speech. But Mariana’s school is more interested in enforcing a LGBTQ woke...
Pornography use among Christians, including pastors, has now surpassed the national average for Americans in general and this rise is doing so largely unchecked. New data suggests a majority of Christian men and a rising percentage of Christian...