Sample Resolution: Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

Jul 9, 2015

Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance Resolution
A Sample Resolution for Public School Districts

WHEREAS at the beginning of each school day it is appropriate to have a Moment of Silence; and

WHEREAS a Moment of Silence at the beginning of each school day has the secular purpose of allowing time for the class to come to order and to create a calm environment to begin the school day; and

WHEREAS a Moment of Silence affords the class environment a time of peace and tranquility and operates as a transition from the boisterous beginning of the clamor in the hallway to the calm educational environment at the beginning of the school day; and

WHEREAS a Moment of Silence affords the opportunity to those who wish to contemplate secular themes to do so and for those who wish to contemplate religious themes to do so; and

WHEREAS a Moment of Silence is a form of accommodation to those of various religious beliefs and those who have no religious beliefs to utilize the time of silence to gather their thoughts and contemplate;

WHEREAS at the beginning of each school day it is also appropriate to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in order to reflect upon our national heritage;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that each school within the District may afford an opportunity at the beginning of each day to begin class with a Moment of Silence followed by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance under the following provisions:

A. Each school within the District may have a Moment of Silence at the beginning of each school day; and

B. The Moment of Silence may be announced by a school board employee or student in class or over the intercom, and any announcement or introduction to the Moment of Silence shall simply be introduced as a "Moment of Silence"; and

C. The Moment of Silence may be for any length of time that the individual school or class desires, but generally shall not exceed one (1) minute; and

D. The school shall remain neutral regarding what students are to think or contemplate during the Moment of Silence; and

E. Following the Moment of Silence each school withing the District may recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America; and

F. No employee or student of the District shall be compelled to participate or stand against their will during either the Moment of Silence or the Pledge of Allegiance.