Apr 16, 2004
New York – The New York Family Policy Council, Senators Ruben Diaz, Sr. and Raymond Meier, Assemblyman Daniel Hooker, and business owner Michael Long (“Intervenors”) filed motions to intervene in order to defend the marriage laws of New York against challenges filed in three separate state courts by same-sex advocates. The Intervenors are represented by Liberty Counsel, Thomas More Law Center and AFA Center for Law and Policy.
Hernandez v. Robles (New York County) and Shields v. Madigan (Rockland County)The first of the three suits was filed in Manhattan by LAMBDA Legal Defense Fund, claiming that several homosexual couples were denied marriage licenses. The second lawsuit was filed in Rockland County by attorney Norm Siegel.
Samuels v. New York State Department of HealthThe third case was filed by the ACLU, also claiming the right to same-sex marriage. This case includes Rosie O’Donnell’s brother, Daniel O’Donnell.
New York Family Policy Council executive director, Dr. Steven Kidder, states that the Council has been actively engaged in the state on behalf of its constituents, which include individuals and businesses, in defending family and traditional marriage. Assemblyman Hooker states that the definition and regulation of marriage is a legislative, rather than a judicial function. Senators Diaz and Meier are co-sponsors of S2220, which provides that “a marriage or union is absolutely void if contracted by two persons of the same sex, regardless of whether such marriage or union is recognized or solemnized in another jurisdiction.” Diaz states, “I believe it is the job of the Legislature to define marriage for the State, including regulating who may marry.” Diaz is also the founder and pastor of the Christian Community Neighborhood Church in the Bronx and president of the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization, with over 150 pastor and ministry members. He organized a rally on March 14 which attracted over 30,000 people to voice their support for marriage as a union between a man and a woman. He also founded the Christian Community Benevolent Association, which assists the elderly and needy, and is a business owner. Mr. Long is chairman of the Conservative Party of New York State and is a business owner who has sincerely held religious and moral beliefs that marriage should only consist of a union between a man and a woman.
Mathew D. Staver, President and General Counsel of Liberty Counsel, stated, “The recognition of same-sex marriage would result in the abolition of male and female by making gender irrelevant, and the abolition of gender would have devastating effects on children. Children do best when raised with a mother and father.” Liberty Counsel is directly involved in defending marriage in nine separate suits.