Oct 25, 2010
Lynchburg, VA – After claiming her father was paid by sexologist Alfred C. Kinsey during the 1940s to rape her for his “research” compilation, Esther White (pseudonym) is speaking out on how she was a child victim of these sex studies. Kinsey, the Indiana University researcher who is known as the father of the sexual revolution, founded The Kinsey Institute in 1953, which claims it “works toward advancing sexual health and knowledge worldwide.” However, the methods Kinsey used are unethical by any standard, and the data is flawed.
Esther was only seven years old when her father began the illicit sexual experimentation on her, performing different acts with her, timing her reaction with a stopwatch, and even visually recording the entire process to send to Kinsey. Kinsey had befriended Esther’s grandfather in college, who encouraged his son to join in on the experiment. Esther says she witnessed both her father and grandfather personally receiving checks from Kinsey for their sexual acts. She also found a checklist of her father’s that listed what he was doing to her, which would be given to Kinsey for research.
Although the Kinsey Institute claims the research strategies never involved paying pedophiles, Esther is now asking for a congressional investigation of the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University. Until now, The Kinsey Institute has not provided any disclosure of the research records compiled during this time. However, Table 34 in Kinsey’s book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” published in 1948, lists the number of orgasms of children, some as young as two, performed within a 24-hour period. Table 34 was the subject of the documentary, “The Children of Table 34.”
“Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute should be held accountable for the massive fraud they’ve perpetrated,” said Mathew Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law. “The story of Esther White reveals how she, as a young child, was an unwilling subject of Kinsey’s unethical sex research. Kinsey’s infamous Table 34 is evidence that many children suffered to satisfy Kinsey. These victims deserve justice.”
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