Free At Last — But This Must End. . .

Jan 31, 2025

I am overjoyed to inform you that Sandra Merritt’s decade-long ordeal is finally over! Praise the Lord! 

On Monday, our attorneys successfully pressed the State of California to end the criminal case. No fines and no 10-year prison sentence for the woman who dared exposed Planned Parenthood and the organ harvesting scheme! 

Praise God, Sandra is now a free woman, thanks to YOUR support! 

But the abortion industry has another trick up its sleeve that continues to be used to imprison faithful Christians for merely praying in front of abortion clinics. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) must be repealed. Bills in both the U.S. House and Senate have been introduced to repeal FACE. We have no better opportunity than NOW! 

Fax Congress NOW and demand they VOTE YES to Repeal the FACE Act of 2025!

Signed by Bill Clinton in 1994, the FACE Act was never intended to stop peaceful assembly and prayer. But pro-abortion state and federal prosecutors have used FACE to imprison Christians who’s only “crime” was to peacefully pray outside Planned Parenthood and other abortion gristmills. 

While President Trump pardoned and freed 23 men and women convicted under the FACE Act for praying or other peaceful assembly, this unrighteous law is still on the books. As long as this law stands, state and federal prosecutors can and will continue to arrest and imprison peaceful Christians for merely praying near abortion facilities.  

even though President Trump made these pardons, FACE litigation is ongoing against pro-lifers in the states. Liberty Counsel has defended innocent people against FACE since it was passed in 1994 involving both state and federal prosecutors.

Right now, Republicans have control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. All too often when this has happened in the past, Republicans have frittered away the opportunity to enact lasting change for freedom. That lackadaisical attitude MUST change. 

That’s why I am asking you to help Liberty Counsel FLOOD Congressional Offices with citizen demands to end the dreadful FACE Act once and for all. 

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) have introduced legislation to repeal this awful law that has been weaponized against peaceful Christians, while allowing pro-abortion domestic terrorists to vandalize, harass, and even firebomb pro-life pregnancy centers.  

But they need your immediate support to bring these bills to the House and Senate floor and compel the rest of Congress to overturn the FACE Act. 

Demand Congress Overturn the FACE Act!

For over 35 years, Liberty Counsel has defended Christians like Sandra Merritt against the machinations of the LGBTQ and abortion industries that seek to silence and eliminate Christians and their viewpoints 

These godly men and women NEVER pay for our legal services, because we know that few could afford to defend themselves against entire multinational, multibillion-dollar industries pressing for their silencing and demise. Instead, our clients rely on YOU, the faithful Liberty Counsel supporter, to ensure religious liberty remains free. 

President Trump is, so far, doing wonderful things for our country. But even he cannot simply use an executive order to make the abortion and LGBTQ attacks on Christians disappear. Each of our cases must continue through the court system until they are resolved.

We can ONLY do this work with your direct financial support.
Please, make a small recurring monthly donation or a generous one-time donation to fund our legal work.

A generous donor has provided a Challenge Grant for 2025 that will DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT.

Finally, on behalf of Sandra Merritt and our staff, thank you for your continued prayers and support. She was in tears on Monday when the judge signed the agreement. Sandra is free! Our collective prayers have been ANSWERED! 

God bless you!

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


We need your support to help those pleading for assistance. DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT with our Challenge Grant. 

The House and Senate now have bills to repeal FACE. We must use that advantage to protect all future pro-life warriors! Demand Congress pass the FACE Act Repeal Act of 2025.