Our Latest Supreme Court Filing

Jan 3, 2025

Liberty Counsel just filed a critical brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Chiles v. Salazar, a case that seeks to END unlawful state bans on Christian counseling.

Kaley Chiles is a licensed mental health counselor based in Colorado. Kaley is a Christian who knows that the love of Christ can heal all wounds and make a better life for everyone — but especially for children and adults struggling with gender dysphoria and unwanted attractions and behaviors.

But Colorado BANNED Christian counseling, silencing both Kaley and her patients’ freedom of speech and religion.

More than 100 cities and states across the country banned Christian counseling. Liberty Counsel managed to overturn 23 of those bans in the courts of appeals. Now the issue is before the Supreme Court, where we have filed our brief requesting the Court to take up this case and end this unlawful censorship immediately!

Help us END the bans on Christian counseling. A donor has provided a new 2025 Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE your gift.

Here in the United States, some falsely claim the science is settled, affirming that same-sex attractions and so-called transgenderism is the only path, and that resolving unwanted feelings is dangerous — and forbidden.

But the facts — even the sources presented by those trying to ban Christian counseling — reveal the exact opposite.

When the State of Colorado banned Christian counseling for gender dysphoria and unwanted attractions, it claimed to have considered “the body of medical evidence regarding conversion therapy and sexual orientation change efforts—and their harms.”

But after reviewing the state’s reasoning and pleadings, what is clear is that Colorado refused to consider any evidence that would contradict the conclusion the state wanted to reach.

Instead, Colorado conspicuously used politically motivated studies in favor of those that stigmatize Christian counseling. Colorado largely based its decision on a 2009 American Psychology Association (APA) report.

But the data the APA presented completely contradicts the conclusion of the APA and the State of Colorado. In fact, the data in the 2009 APA report is contrary to the claims of Colorado.

Help us defeat the LGBTQ’s “Fake Science.”

Throughout the APA report, the task force repeatedly stated that in its “extensive review,” it found no evidence of harm caused by Christian change counseling (which the APA abbreviated as “SOCE” for sexual orientation change efforts).

According to the APA report:

  • “[A] dearth of scientifically sound research [exists] on the safety of SOCE.”

  • “Early and recent research studies provide no clear indication of the prevalence of harmful outcomes.”

  • “[T]here are no scientifically rigorous studies of recent SOCE that would enable us to make a definitive statement about whether recent SOCE is safe or harmful and for whom.”

  • “Given the limited amount of methodologically sound research, we cannot draw a conclusion regarding whether recent forms of SOCE are or are not effective.”

In fact, the task force found benefits from Christian change counseling (SOCE). For example, the task force expressly notes (that in some studies, individuals:

  • “perceived that they had benefited from SOCE.”

  • “reported that SOCE was helpful—for example, it helped them live in a manner consistent with their faith.”

  • “described finding a sense of community through religious SOCE and valued having others with whom they could identify.”

  • reported “positive benefits” such as “reduction of isolation, alterations in how problems are viewed, and stress reduction,” all of which “are consistent with the findings of the general mutual support group literature.”

The task force also conceded that “both early and recent studies” offered “evidence” of Christian counseling’s effectiveness. The task force noted research showing that individuals:

  • “modified their sexual orientation identity (e.g., individual or group membership and affiliation, self-labeling) and other aspects of sexuality (e.g., values and behavior).”

  • “through participating in SOCE, became skilled in ignoring or tolerating their same-sex attractions.”

  • “reported that they went on to lead outwardly heterosexual lives, developing a sexual relationship with an other-sex partner, and adopting a heterosexual identity.”

How could the APA conclude that Christian change counseling is harmful and ineffective when its own research proves otherwise? Politics — specifically, cultural Marxism.

Don’t let Marxists silence Christian counselors or their patients! Support our legal fund today.

Our brief succinctly lays bare the politically motivated pseudoscience and cultural Marxism used to remove people’s rights to seek and receive the Christian counseling of their choice.

Please, support our legal fund today to help us keep fighting. And please, keep this case in prayer so that we can defeat the devil's designs on our children and our freedom. A donor has provided a new 2025 Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE your gift.

Let’s make 2025 a great year for religious liberty, life, and the family!

God bless you and your family in this new year!

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


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