Confusing This Precious Autistic Child

Dec 19, 2024

John* and Julie’s* beautiful little 5-year-old girl, Mariana*, suffers from autism. Among her disabilities is difficulty understanding language and processing speech. But Mariana’s school is more interested in enforcing a LGBTQ woke agenda than respecting the family’s faith or providing proper instruction for their daughter.

Help us continue to fight for kids like Mariana with your gift today. Every donation made by midnight, December 31, will be DOUBLED in impact by a special Challenge Grant. Please, give generously.

When John and Julie enrolled their daughter in their local public school, the district created an Individualized Education Program (IEP). That document serves as an outline of services needed and a mandate for the school to provide those services.

Mariana’s IEP clearly states that she has a language disability, and as such, needs to be consistently taught proper English grammar.

So, imagine John and Julie’s surprise and consternation when Mariana’s special education tutor was replaced with a biological male tutor who identifies as “non-binary,” and demands to be addressed as “they/them.”

Little Mariana was deeply confused. John and Julie, who are raising their daughter in a Christian home, were deeply disturbed.

John and Julie called the school, requesting a new, non-gender-confused tutor for their daughter. But the biological female assistant principal, who insisted on being called by “he/him” pronouns refused to address the parents’ concerns or replace Mariana’s gender-confused tutor.

The he/she principal informed the parents that Mariana would be “corrected” if she used biologically and grammatically correct pronouns for her tutor or the assistant principal. To do otherwise would be “discrimination” against the gender-confused school employees, the assistant principal claimed.

How on earth would little Mariana ever overcome her language and speech disabilities if the school system itself is purposely teaching her the wrong things?

Sadly, we receive calls for help like this nearly every day. The LGBTQ agenda is spreading its pervasive agenda to children and families alike, seeking to force EVERYONE to comply with their demands.

Fund the fight for freedom with your gift today.

This past year alone, Liberty Counsel has received 1,044 requests for legal help. We’ve had to hire additional attorneys and dozens of new staff members to handle the massive increase in calls for help.

President Trump’s return to the Oval Office will solve many things, but calls like the one from Julie and John will keep coming in, thanks to a nationwide assault on Christians and family values that has overtaken nearly every aspect of our society. We’ll still be handling cases like Mariana’s in addition to those we continue to fight in court — cases like defending Planned Parenthood whistleblower Sandra Merritt, religious freedom fighter Kim Davis, or even suing the U.S. Department of Defense to force it to end the Obama-era “No Christian Commanders” policy.

We have a lot of legal work to do in the year ahead. But we need your direct financial support. Our clients NEVER pay for our legal help. Instead, they rely on you, the generous Liberty Counsel supporter, to help them fight for the right to life, religious freedom, and the natural family.

Liberty Counsel is in an elite class when it comes to use of donor funds. Our non-donor income covers all administrative and fundraising expenses. Most of the non-donor income derives from attorney’s fees and costs that are recoverable from a government defendant. This means 100% of every dollar goes directly to Liberty Counsel programs. And Liberty Counsel operates on a debt-free basis.

That’s why a generous supporter has established a special Year End Challenge Grant to support our work. Every donation made by midnight, December 31, will be DOUBLED in impact. Please, help us fight for America’s future with your 100% tax-deductible gift today.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


Take advantage of our year-end Challenge Grant to DOUBLE YOUR GIFT. Every gift made by December 31, midnight in your time zone, will be DOUBLED.

*Names changed for privacy.