Help Keep the Banner of Freedom Flying

Dec 15, 2024

Exodus 17:15-16 says, “Moses built an altar and named it The Lord is My Banner; and he said, ‘Because the Lord has sworn, the Lord will have war against Amalek from generation to generation.’” 

When the Israelites declared, “The Lord is My Banner,” they identified themselves as the unified followers of the Lord God. The altar Moses built in Exodus 17 marked the place where God intervened on behalf of His people and promised to utterly defeat His enemies. 

It all started in September 2017 when Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to Boston city officials for banning the Christian flag on a public flagpole.  

Officials in Boston, known as the “Cradle of Liberty,” made the mistake of censoring the Christian flag in the bedrock of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage merely because the application referred to it as a “Christian flag.” Then after five years of litigation and four losses in the lower courts, we represented the free speech of every Christian before the U.S. Supreme Court on a very cold January morning.  

Then on May 2, 2022, we WON a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruling where all the Justices agreed that censoring the Christian flag in Boston was religious viewpoint discrimination and a violation of the First Amendment. And God receives the glory! Fast-forward to August 3, 2022, when the Christian flag was finally raised on the flagpole at the Boston City Hall Plaza before hundreds of people and media! Boston also had to pay Liberty Counsel attorney’s fees and costs. 

The Supreme Court made it clear that the government cannot favor one viewpoint and censor another and it cannot censor religious viewpoints under the guise of government speech. As a result of this historic case and the Coach Kennedy case, the High Court officially overruled the “Lemon Test.”  

Now it is unlawful for the government to censor religious expression, symbols, or displays in public.  

For example, if you want to have a Bible study in a library or host an after-school Christian club in a public school, your religious viewpoint is protected. If you want to decorate for Christmas in your office at work, your religious viewpoint is protected. If you want to have a Nativity scene on public property, your religious viewpoint is protected. 

In addition, many local and state governments have stopped flying LGBTQ flags! 

Make sure you stay informed regarding our cases and the current assaults on your freedom as well as the victories. Check out our weekly TV program, Freedom Alive, our daily radio programs and podcasts, Freedom’s Call and Faith and Freedom, and our daily Liberty Alerts and email updates. 

In the book of Exodus, Joshua and the Israelites fought the Amalekites while Moses stood on top of a hill with the staff of God in his hands. When Moses’ hands were lifted, the Israelites were winning; when his hands were lowered, the Amalekites were winning. Moses grew tired, so he sat on a stone, and Aaron and Hur held up his hands. The children of Israel gained the victory. 

As the battles continue in today’s culture, Liberty Counsel is honored to stand on the front lines and raise the banner of freedom to defend you! But we need you to help hold up our hands. 

Please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry. Since we NEVER take payment from any of our clients, we depend on partners like you to help fund their legal battles. 

Thanks to generous donors who have provided a Year-End Challenge Grant, you can greatly help multiply our efforts in the coming year.   

In fact, when you give your best possible gift, it will be doubled! That means $10,000 becomes $20,000; $5,000 becomes $10,000; $250 becomes $500; or $5 becomes $10.

Stand with us by making your best gift now:

  • Give on our website by midnight, December 31, in your time zone.

  • Send a check postmarked by December 31 to Liberty Counsel, PO Box 540774, Orlando, FL 32854.

  • Call in your credit or debit card gift to 407-875-1776 between 8:30 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. ET by December 31.

THANK YOU for your vital partnership!

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