Sep 4, 2024
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) seek to control the fruits of your labor — money. To paraphrase the economist Friedrich Hayek, people are only truly free when they can freely store and enjoy the fruits of their labors — their money. A government that seeks to limit those freedoms sets its citizens on a sure path to serfdom.
And that is exactly what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their controllers are trying to impose on us via their Marxist money plan.
In March 2022, Joe Biden quietly issued an executive order requiring the Federal Reserve to begin “investigating” a CBDC. By December 2022, the Federal Reserve finished their “investigation.” With the help of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Federal Reserve created and tested Biden’s CBDC. Now this digital funny money, what some call “Marxist Money,” could be unleashed on America at any time.
If implemented, a CBDC will destroy whatever is left of American liberty and the free market system. That’s because a CBDC replaces cold, hard, and private cash transactions with a programmable digital currency where every single transaction is not only monitored by the government, but controlled by the government. And if the government doesn’t like what you’re about to buy, they simply cut off your ability to use your own hard-earned money.
This is already happening in Communist China. Plans are also well underway in Europe where the European Union even wants to limit how much money people are allowed to save for a rainy day!
In Marx’s quest to fundamentally control populations, he demanded “centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.”
Marx knew that to control the man, one must control the man’s finances. Now globalists around the world are seeking to do just that by eliminating cash money and local bank accounts, replacing them with programmable “digital dollars,” issued by central banks directly to consumers.
Like Karl Marx, the globalists’ actions speak to the hubris of man and the desire of tyrants to seize control and implement their will over every aspect of life and God’s green Earth.
Throughout the Old Testament, we see mankind continually seeking higher powers OTHER THAN GOD. They sought judges, then kings, and yet humanity was a wreck.
The globalists of today think they have all the answers. They think they are smarter than all of us, and they don’t believe in God. In fact, they reject God’s authority in their lives and in all other lives.
The truth is we simply need to live as God instructed. But a major part of doing so is protecting the RIGHT to live that way.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall have the power ... [t]o coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.
The Supreme Court, in Houston v. Moore, 18 U.S. 1, 49 (1820) and Sturges v. Crowninshield, 17 U.S. 122, 125 (1819), found the federal government, via Congress, has the exclusive power to create, define, and “coin” money.
Section 31 U.S.C. 5103 further refines this power and states that coins, currency, certificates, etc. offered by the Federal Reserve are legal tender for use anywhere in the U.S. As such, monetary instruments offered by the Federal Reserve cannot be rejected or banned by either state legislatures or merchants. Theoretically, that would include CBDCs as well.
At present, some question whether the Federal Reserve or even a U.S. president can implement a CBDC without congressional approval.
To ensure citizens are fully protected from this 21st-century Marxist Money, Congress must go on the immediate offensive, developing and passing legislation to ban retail CBDCs before they can be forced on the American public. And they must do this before whomever is running the Biden White House rams this system down our throats before they lose power.
A bill making its way through Congress to accomplish these objectives: The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act. Demand Congress pass this bill in order to protect Americans from the Marxist Money Plan.
These measures are necessary to prevent the United States government from adopting the financial surveillance and civilian control measures of tyrants around the globe — including those employed by the Chinese Communist Party.
Let us not be the people who relegate control over our lives to tyrannical rulers who seek to eliminate God, replacing His wisdom with their hubris and enforcing their control through Central Bank Digital Currencies. Let us not be the people who trade our freedom for Marxist Money.
Fax Congress Now! NO Marxist Money!
Please also help fund our crucial legal work. We’ve won 39 cases we have argued or briefed before the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as scores of victorious cases at the U.S. Courts of Appeals and State Supreme Courts. But we cannot achieve these victories without your financial support.
As you know, Liberty Counsel never charges our clients. Few could afford to defend their rights against a government gone mad. Instead, they rely on friends like you, a faithful Liberty Counsel supporter. And if the CDBC passes, we will have mountains more work to protect our freedom.
A recurring monthly donation would be so helpful in funding our fight for freedom. Every donation made today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant. Please give generously today.
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Every donation made today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant. Please give generously today.
Don’t forget to sign the petition!
“31 U.S. Code § 5103 - Legal Tender.” Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute. Accessed August 29, 2024.
“ArtI.S8.C5.1 Congress’s Coinage Power." Constitution Annotated. United States Congress. Accessed August 29, 2024.