Whistleblowing Nurse Fired

Aug 28, 2024

Nurse Vanessa Sivadge said she blew the whistle because “Ephesians 5 says to have nothing to do with the worthless deeds of evil and darkness but instead expose them, and that everything exposed by the light becomes visible.” After blowing the whistle on the unlawful child abuse at Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH), Vanessa has now been canned.

Texas banned puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries on minors in 2023. But according to documents provided by Vanessa as well as another whistleblower doctor, the country’s largest children’s hospital continued performing the banned services and billing Texas Medicaid for those services — another violation of Texas law.

This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide if states will be allowed to continue banning these abusive interventions. Liberty Counsel is preparing our brief, since we were the first to take up these fights going back to 2012.

Fund our latest fight at the U.S. Supreme Court — the fight to save children from child sex changes. Every gift will be DOUBLED by a special Challenge Grant.

Though trained as a cardiac nurse, Vanessa was assigned to TCH’s endocrine clinic. There, her work increasingly focused on prescriptions and procedures for these children.

As a Christian, Vanessa could no longer participate in the destruction of God’s precious children. She filed religious accommodation paperwork asking to be transferred to the cardiac unit, which would match her specialized medical training and not conflict with her Christian viewpoint that every child is made in the image of God.

Vanessa also filed an anonymous report stating that the child services TCH was performing were in violation of Texas law.

Two FBI agents knocked on Vanessa’s door two weeks later, trying to intimidate the young Christian nurse into giving up the names of the whistleblowers, and intimidate her into silence.

“They threatened me,” Vanessa says. “They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”

“[I]nstead of investigating medical institutions and organizations — in my case, a hospital — for wrongdoing and for illegal activity, the federal government was weaponized to come after people exposing crime and whistleblowers like me." Vanessa says. “And so that's egregious. It's something I never imagined in a million years would happen to me."

"I believe that the Department of Justice has been weaponized against people of faith and people who expose wrongdoing and illegal activity — not just in my case, but in many others," she says.

But Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ DOJ weren’t the only ones trying to silence Vanessa. After Vanessa’s whistleblower report hit the news, TCH fired her, citing the hospital’s refusal to grant her religious accommodation request, as well as her whistleblower report.

Like Texas, several states have banned chemical and surgical sex-change procedures on minors. This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to decide if states will be allowed to protect children from irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments, and mutilating surgeries.

Liberty Counsel is already preparing our briefs at the Supreme Court.

We are also fighting the LGBTQ cult’s attempts to ban Christian counseling — including suing Minnesota Governor Turned Democrat VP candidate Tim Walz. Christian counseling is proven to heal gender confusion and unwanted same sex attractions or behaviors. But Gov. Walz, along with multiple cities and states, banned this lifesaving counsel.

We’ve managed to overturn 23 bans, but we continue to battle 87 more bans nationwide, including the Minnesota ban. We’re taking Walz and his child-maiming policy to court.

We’ve been fighting the LGBTQ cult’s designs on our children since 2012. We look forward to presenting the cold hard facts to the High Court, documenting how this evil practice permanently injures children. We are praying for yet another win before the High Court, but we need YOUR help to make this happen.

Since 1989, Liberty Counsel has won 39 cases we have argued or briefed before the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as numerous cases before the Courts of Appeals and state Supreme Courts. Every day in courtrooms around America, Liberty Counsel fights for life, religious freedom, and the natural family. As our record shows, when we show up, we win. But we can only show up with your generous support.

Support our legal fund today and have your gift DOUBLED by a special Challenge Grant.

Finally, pray that the Lord will intercede to protect our children.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel



Help us defend the defenders of our freedom. DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT with our Challenge Grant.


Brown, Jon. “Christian Whistleblower Nurse Fired from Texas Children’s Hospital Talks Spiritual War.” The Christian Post, August 26, 2024. Christianpost.com/news/whistleblower-nurse-fired-tch-talks-spiritual-war.html.

Rufo, Christopher F. “The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine.” City Journal, June 18, 2024. City-journal.org/article/the-murky-business-of-transgender-medicine.