Aug 12, 2024
An extreme group and radical haters are tripping over themselves with glee at Kamala Harris’ choice of Tim Walz as her running mate. That choice exemplifies a monumental legal battle we are fighting here at Liberty Counsel — Kim Davis, life, and religious freedom. The Harris-Walz tandem exemplifies the battle for children, marriage, and religious freedom.
Tim Walz, assistant high school football coach turned Minnesota governor, has been at the front lines of the LGBTQ fight for decades. While working at Mankato West High School, Walz founded the school’s first “Gay Straight Alliance” chapter and encouraged minors to join the group that encourages children to experiment with sex as early as kindergarten.
As governor, LGBTQ Tim put feminine care products in boys' bathrooms, because, he said, boys have periods. What? Then he signed an executive order making Minnesota a “sanctuary” state for “trans” kids.
Walz threw the law out the window, declaring that Minnesota was a safe harbor for parents who kidnap their children and bring them into his state so they could be sterilized with puberty blockers and have their young bodies mutilated — against the will of the children’s custodial parents in other states and in violation of the Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), whereby states agree to obey the custody orders of other states.
Under the UCCJEA, those kidnapping children would face up to 10 years in prison. But Gov. Tim Walz sought to protect child snatchers from prosecution for their obvious crimes.
In Congress, Walz tried to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, demonstrating his absolute disdain for anyone who dares embrace God’s design for marriage over the demands of the LGBTQ.
And that runs right into our case defending Kim Davis.
The radicals over at MSNBC have declared, “Tim Walz is the political ally trans people need and deserve.”
The co-chairs of the pro-LGBTQ Equality PAC came out with a statement endorsing Walz as the VP pick, saying his “support for the LGBTQ community has been steadfast.”
Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ advocacy group, extolled that “a Harris-Walz Administration” will “fight for” the LGBTQ.
GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) President Sarah Kate Ellis says the Harris-Walz ticket “underscores a longstanding commitment to the equality, prosperity, and safety ... especially for LGBTQ people.”
Kim Davis's case scares LGBTQ adherents like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they know we are determined to win and overturn Obergefell v. Hodges.
Kim Davis fought to restore religious freedom to all Kentucky officials in 2015. She won, but now rabid LGBTQ plaintiffs are trying to sue her into bankruptcy for daring to exercise her religious rights.
But in fighting the frivolous lawsuit against her, Kim’s case may also achieve something monumental — overturning the wrongfully decided Obergefell decision that invented a “right” to “same sex marriage” and was the impetus for much of this confused mess confounding our society.
In response to one of Liberty Counsel’s 2020 filings, Justice Thomas wrote, “Since Obergefell, parties have continually attempted to label people of good will as bigots merely for refusing to alter their religious beliefs in the wake of prevailing orthodoxy.”
In Missouri Department of Corrections v. Jean Finney, a case where Christians were removed from a jury for no reason other than their religion, Justice Alito noted that “[This] holding exemplifies the danger that I anticipated in Obergefell v. Hodges … namely, that Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct will be ‘labeled as bigots and treated as such’ by the government.”
The LGBTQ lobby is not satisfied to “coexist” with opposing views, and neither is Tim Walz. Instead, they seek to ram the LGBTQ agenda down every throat, from Olympic viewers to quiet Christian women seeking to live out their faith. The LGBTQ agenda seeks nothing less than to eliminate all religious freedom rights that might make them feel bad about their choices. And they have Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as their new mouthpieces.
Demons always want people to believe they are bringing freedom when their intent is to trap these mere humans into everlasting darkness and pain. Liberty Counsel is fighting these attacks, but we cannot win without your prayers and direct financial support.
We never charge our clients because we know that few could ever afford to defend themselves against powerful governors, senators, and even the White House. Instead, our clients rely on people like YOU, a faithful Liberty Counsel supporter to ensure religious liberty lives another day.
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
The LGBTQ army is working to eliminate religious freedom for ALL Americans via HR 15, which specifically eliminates religious accommodations — even for your pastor and your church! Please fax Congress today!
P.P.S. We need your help to defend religious liberty. Support our legal fund today and have YOUR IMPACT DOUBLED by a 2024 Challenge Grant.
Burns, Katelyn. “Tim Walz Is the Political Ally LGBTQ Voters Deserve.” MSNBC, August 8, 2024.
“Kim Davis Case Now Set for Appeal.” Liberty Counsel, April 25, 2024.
“Kim Davis Will Ask Court to Reverse Verdict in Ermold Case.” Liberty Counsel, January 2, 2024.
Migdon, Brooke. “LGBTQ Rights Groups Celebrate Walz as Harris VP Pick.” The Hill, August 6, 2024.