This Prayer Reveals What’s at Stake

Aug 5, 2024

The shocking mockery of the Last Supper was offensive, but the evil was also evident during the prayer ceremony held as the Olympic torch was lit.

Before the lighting ceremony in Paris, the French planning committee arranged for a group of identically clad priestesses gathered on a hillside to offer opening prayers for the ceremony.

The prayers the women offered in this official ceremony were not to God Almighty, but to the false, pagan gods Zeus and Apollo, and it was posted on the official Olympic X account.

It is symbolic of the physical and spiritual battle warring around us, a battle against child sacrifice and child mutilation — and Liberty Counsel is fighting this ancient battle in modern courtrooms every day.

The Bible specifically mentions many of the Greek “gods. In fact, Zeus is the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite-Phoenician god Baal (and the Roman god Jupiter is the later equivalent of Zeus).  

King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, worshipped Baal/Zeus by killing babies and burning their bodies. 

As for Apollo, he was known as “the destroyer, a bisexual, and a child murderer who was known for silencing and destroying his opposition. His temples stood throughout Greece for over 1,000 years, spanning the time Israel was in Babylonian captivity, until at least A.D. 371 long after the Christian church was well established. Greek and Roman political leaders sought the advice of his drug-fueled priestesses, aka “oracles, who were said to be able to channel Apollo. And the demonic-spirit-filled woman Paul passed in Philippi was almost certainly one of Apollo’s oracles.  

The French Olympic committee’s decision to mock Jesus Christ and celebrate abominations has revealed to all who have eyes to see that the evil spirit that came with the fall of Satan and his rebellious followers is very much at work in this modern world. 

Thousands of years after Zeus and Apollo were openly and widely worshipped, sexual hedonism, child murder, and mutilation are sickeningly common in our world. In fact, we here at Liberty Counsel fight this evil in courtrooms across America every day.

This same pagan evil is behind so many of our cases, including:

  • Abortion. The U.S. Supreme Court cited our amicus brief in overturning Roe v. Wade, and we continue to fight for life in states where some want to make child sacrifice a constitutional “right.”

  • Child mutilation. Liberty Counsel is fighting to save children from medical mutilation, sterilization, and child “sex changes.”

  • LGBTQ attempts to silence and destroy Christians.

    • Kim Davis. We continue to defend this quiet Kentucky Clerk from the LGBTQ’s attempts to bankrupt her for daring to exercise her religious freedom rights.

    • Sandra Merritt. We continue to defend the brave grandmother whose undercover journalism exposed the true horrors of Planned Parenthood’s child-killing business.

    • Christian change counseling. We continue to fight to overturn bans on this talk therapy that has been shown to successfully resolve gender confusion and unwanted attractions.

    • Southern Poverty Law Center. And we continue to battle the SPLC that has slandered and endangered Liberty Counsel by labeling us a “hate group” over our work defending religious freedom and is using false claims in a frivolous lawsuit to sue us for the ridiculous sum of 200 billion dollars.

The face of Satan may change, but the objective remains the same — the destruction of men and women, and especially children.

Granted, the origin of the games was to honor the pagan gods, particularly Zeus. That was the purpose of the games. Paganism was primary and athleticism was secondary. Sacrifices were conducted during the Olympics to these gods. I have visited Olympia, and it is completely pagan with many temples to the various gods with Zeus the most prominent.

The Olympics ended in the 4th century A.D. when Constantine converted to Christianity. Christians ended the Olympics because of the paganism.

It wasn’t until the late 1800s that the Olympics were renewed in the modern era in Greece. But the prayer ceremony honoring Apollo and Zeus, combined with the debauchery of drag queens and naked blue men frolicking with a child, all while mocking Jesus Christ, makes clear that the Olympics has returned to its roots celebrating evil pagan gods.

Evil has removed the veil. Help us fight back.

“You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26).

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


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Burleson, Wade. “The Apostle Paul and the Oracle of Delphi.” Istoria Ministries, March 7, 2013.

“Olympic Torch Lighting Prayer.” X: The Olympic Games, April 16, 2024.