Exposing Junk Science and Freeing the Captives

Jul 3, 2024

A scientific review of more than 5,000 “gender dysphoria” studies shows that these studies aren’t based on science at all, but rather on the political bias of the “gender affirmation” industry and its quest to capture more dollars.

This “junk science” is being pushed to create a multibillion-dollar industry, as well as to ban Christian counseling that has proven to heal gender confusion. Liberty Counsel is fighting to protect children, students, parents, and employees. Help us fight this deception. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your gift. You can also sign up for a recurring monthly donation to our legal fund. Mat

The LGBTQ mafia no longer seeks to be left alone to live their lives in peace. In fact, that was never the goal of this agenda. Rather, the goal is to silence and punish all who do not accept and endorse the chemical and surgical mutilation of children and young adults. Failure to participate in the delusion is met with hatred, violence, and in the case of Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim, federal indictments designed to silence and punish truth tellers.

For several years, we have been told that gender dysphoria must be treated by affirming the patient’s delusion and poisoning the patient with cross-sex hormones while waiting for body mutilation surgeries to remove healthy organs. How many times have we been told that “the science is settled”?

Well, it turns out “the science” isn’t settled. In fact, what the so-called gender industry has been shoving down our throats is not science at all.

A group of scientists reviewed a compendium of current “studies” on gender dysphoria. The researchers reviewed 5,765 scientific articles across 46 health, psychology, science, social, and humanities databases.

What these scientists found is that nearly all of the published research on gender affirmation includes significant flaws. These flaws would never be justified in actual scientific diagnostic procedures without the highly coordinated social and political pressure campaign the rabid LGBTQ community is waging.

The study notes a near-complete “lack of reliable and valid diagnostic criterion” being used to diagnose people with gender identity disorders.

The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) own website states that randomized control trials are considered the most valid method of approaching “scientific data” in establishing treatment guidelines. Yet those trials have not been performed on the people the so-called “gender care” industry targets. Instead, study after study was based on “clinical data” drawn from therapists’ opinions after observation.

“Clinical data,” according to the APA, is the least reliable method for assessing scientific data and establishing treatment guidelines. Per the study and the APA:

Clinical data and consensus are low on the APA's scientific scale, because they are highly unreliable and dependent on the views of clinician(s). Such data are inevitably influenced by clinicians’ political leanings and paradigmatic approaches to psychiatry.

Half of the studies reported to the APA justifying “gender affirmation” care never even bothered to describe the methodology used to come to the authors’ conclusion. As a result, the researchers note that “it is impossible to assess the reliability or validity of the methodology.”

Many of the studies supporting “gender affirmation” are “clearly neither logical nor methodologically robust.”

Despite the near-complete lack of scientific basis, most of the articles suggested that the distress around gender could be alleviated after “surgical interventions.”

They are wrong. Those pushing the LGBTQ agenda want to silence the truth and deprive people from receiving the counsel of their choice. They want to indoctrinate children, and force the LGBTQ propaganda on parents, students, and employees.

Enough! Liberty Counsel has already overturned 23 of these counseling bans, but we need your help to overturn the other 87! And we are also helping many parents, students, and employees who are having the LGBTQ agenda pushed down their throats. This is a serious threat to freedom and to our children and families.

It is incredibly dangerous and an outright violation of medical ethics to prescribe permanent life-changing, cross-sex hormone drugs and body mutilation surgeries based on little more than political opinions.

To put an even finer point on it, children and adults are being poisoned and maimed.

In study after study, these gender dysphoria diagnoses were justified to “facilitate medical insurance payments for ongoing interventions.”

What these 5,765 studies reveal is that we have a highly politicized mental health system more concerned with billable insurance codes and profitable designer surgeries than with proper mental health treatment.

These so-called “gender affirming” types are practicing bad science, on purpose, to make money. And they are being propped up by an LGBTQ mafia intent on demonizing anyone who dares speak truth.

There IS hope. The tide of public opinion is turning. The ugly face of the LGBTQ agenda targeting our children is being revealed and rejected.

Liberty Counsel has overturned 23 counseling bans. But we are helping more than counselors and clients. We are receiving many calls for help from parents, students, and employees who are being pressured and abused.

Mat Staver

Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel



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*Names changed to protect identities.