May 20, 2024
Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
The enemy knows all too well the truth of this verse. Perhaps that is why the secularists are fighting so hard to prevent the spread of the gospel among our youth. The structure of a growing child’s life is anchored by the foundation upon which it is built.
Riots are breaking out on college campuses. Secondary school teachers are “educating” children on sexual perversion. And even elementary schools are purposefully confusing children about the scientific realities of biology.
Liberty Counsel is fighting a series of cases against anti-Christian school administrators who are trying to silence the Good News Clubs. We are in a battle to rescue a generation from the enemy’s plans. Read on to learn more about our latest cases. — Mat
Proverbs 22:6 emphasizes the need to take an active role in instilling godly character and values into children.
As Jesus told us in Matthew 7:24-27, a house built on sand will crumble, but a house built on the rock of God’s Word will stand through every storm.
Two modern statistics illustrate the immutable truth of these verses:
About 2.7 million children have at least one incarcerated parent, and, although estimates vary, between 30% and 70% go on to become incarcerated themselves.
In contrast, 85% of adult believers say they made a decision for the Lord before age 14. The 4-14 window is critical in the life of a child.
Since 1937, Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) has been working to build a strong, godly foundation in children through its Good News Clubs. For 87 years, CEF has provided children with biblically based spiritual education that includes moral and character development, many in after-school clubs.
More than 87% of school administrators say the Good News Clubs are a positive experience for their school. Yet sadly, a growing number of anti-Christian school administrators from coast to coast are fighting to keep these Good News Clubs OUT of their after-school programs. And this fight has increased since the COVID lockdowns.
Prior to the COVID shutdowns, which temporarily shuttered many schools, there were more than 4,800 Good News Clubs operating across the country. Liberty Counsel fought hard to help CEF establish these numbers, by serving as CEF’s legal counsel for over 20 years.
In fact, on June 11, 2001, in the case of Good News Club v. Milford Central School, the Supreme Court ruled that public schools MUST provide equal access and equal treatment to Christian clubs when the school has opened the forum to secular clubs.
But when schools reopened after COVID, some schools across the country refused to allow Good News Clubs back on their campuses — even in schools where CEF had operated clubs prior to the shutdowns.
This is blatant viewpoint discrimination, and Liberty Counsel is fighting to stop the silencing of Christians and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We are literally fighting for these children’s future.
As the statistic on family recidivism in the prison system shows, the stakes for these children are incredibly high ... especially in a society where secular forces are promoting evil and lawlessness.
In Hawaii, Liberty Counsel represents CEF against the State Department of Education and four of its superintendents for discriminating against the Good News Clubs in certain district facilities that are open to other, similarly situated nonreligious organizations.
Prior to COVID, CEF Hawaii had Good News Clubs in over a dozen schools on Oahu and other islands. Then after restricting after-school programs due to COVID, school officials partially restarted after-school programs in November 2021 and fully restored after-school programs in 2022.
In 2022, CEF Hawaii submitted applications to host clubs in several schools.
However, the Hawaii State Department of Education, through the Superintendent Defendants and other officials, have denied every request submitted by CEF while allowing access to secular groups.
In Hawaii, school officials admitted the reason for denial is because these clubs are “religious.” We encountered the same thing in Rhode Island, where after the lockdowns, school officials admitted secular groups but denied the Good News Clubs. We sued these schools and won earlier this year.
The judge in Hawaii has already indicated he is writing an order in our favor.
Time is of the essence for these kids. Every school year that passes without a Good News Club is one we can never reclaim. If we do not reach these children when they are young, they could easily end up like the violent rioters of BLM, Antifa, or what we are witnessing today on college campuses.
Liberty Counsel has never lost a case representing CEF. But because these anti-Christian school administrators keep trying to violate clear U.S. law, we must keep fighting ... and that costs money.
As you know, Liberty Counsel never charges for our legal work. Instead, our clients — like CEF — rely on you, the faithful Liberty Counsel supporter, to fund the fight for religious freedom. We need YOUR HELP to continue providing this lifesaving legal work to ensure our nation’s children are able to access the tools with which to build strong foundations.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage battle according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses” (2 Cor. 10:3-4).
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
There’s another way you can help build godly foundations in our children that will grow into indestructible fortresses based on the Word of God — Covenant Journey Academy. God-honoring homeschooling is easy and affordable. Learn more at CJ.Academy.
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