Disease X Is a Threat to Freedom...

Feb 12, 2024

"Disease X" is NOT real. It's a theoretical situation dreamed up by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018 to scare countries into forking over more funds for research into potential diseases that do not currently exist, but which may or may not develop at some unknown point in the future.

"Disease X" is a cash cow searching for a problem that does not exist.

Now the WHO is using this same scare tactic, not just as a fundraising scheme but also to steal OUR sovereignty. And I don't just mean our nation’s sovereignty, but our individual freedom.

If Joe Biden signs the WHO's upcoming Pandemic Treaty and revised International Health Regulations (IHR), YOUR personal decisions will be made by the unelected, unaccountable, Bill Gates-driven WHO. We cannot allow this theft of liberty. Please, take a moment to fax Congress and demand they STOP Joe Biden’s WHO plans. Read on. — Mat

The Bill Gates-funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) says that "Disease X is the name given by scientists and the World Health Organization to an unknown pathogen that could emerge in future and cause a serious international epidemic or pandemic."

CEPI said “Disease X itself is hypothetical: it does not exist,” before launching into scary language to convince the world that lots of research dollars should be “invested” into these nonexistent "diseases."

CEPI then says, “Novel diseases emerge all the time in all parts of the world, often making the leap from animals such as bats into humans.”

As you may recall, CEPI, the WHO, and Joe Biden’s White House all tried to sell us the line that COVID-19 magically jumped all by itself from bats to humans in a Chinese market.

However, when the truth was finally revealed, the facts showed that “leap” was a result of Dr. Anthony Fauci funding illegal “gain of function” research on how to transfer bat viruses into human beings at a lab in Wuhan, China. That “research” leaked from the lab and infected hundreds of millions of human beings around the world.

“Researching” nonexistent diseases means that scientists manipulate pathogens, making them stronger and more virulent in order to create new diseases that NEVER existed before.

Then, those researchers try to develop a “treatment” for the disease they created, just in case those new diseases magically appear.

As we saw with Wuhan, this type of research is unnecessary and is very dangerous — which is why Congress BANNED “gain of function” research in the United States ... and why Fauci moved his research to China.

But Bill Gates, through his various (and highly profitable) “charities” believes MORE of this dangerous “research” should be performed. And presumably because Gates is the single largest private donor to the WHO, the United Nations’ agency is, not surprisingly, pushing the same scheme.

CEPI’s webpage on “Disease X” announced its intention to “make new vaccines against known or novel [new] infectious diseases.” As you may recall, Gates not long ago authored an op-ed openly stating that vaccines were the “best investment I ever made.” Gates and his “charities” made hundreds of millions of dollars off COVID shots pushed through the WHO.

However, whereas once CEPI and the WHO were only asking for money, now they are asking for CONTROL.

This May, Joe Biden intends to sign the WHO’s new Pandemic Treaty and revised International Health Regulations without receiving the U.S. Senate’s constitutionally required 2/3 majority approval.

Biden intends to call these documents an “agreement,” which does not need Senate approval. However, despite the White House’s play on words, the very name of this WHO “agreement” contains the word “treaty.” The treaty and the IHR will carry the force of international law.

Member nations that violate these agreements will be dragged before the U.N. world courts where they will be sanctioned and punished.

As the Pandemic Treaty and IHR currently stand, those provisions require member nations to give up sovereignty over their own laws on vaccines, medicine, medical supplies and equipment, travel, borders, and even immigration standards. The documents also strip individuals of their own decisions on whether to vaccinate, which medicines they can use, and whether they can travel or attend church without the WHO’s permission.

We will have no recourse against the WHO. And neither will liberty-loving ministries like Liberty Counsel be able to fight for freedom in U.S. courts.

If Joe Biden signs these agreements in May, the WHO will be in full control of nearly every aspect of our daily lives. We cannot allow that to happen.

Liberty Counsel has been working with many in Congress to thwart the Biden/Gates/WHO globalism plan to usurp our precious liberty. But we need YOUR IMMEDIATE HELP for Congress to pass HR 1425 and S 444.

Please consider a recurring monthly donation or a one-time donation to fund our critically important work defending America’s liberty. We are also working diligently to file several briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court, state supreme courts, and much more.

Help us advance freedom. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE YOUR GIFT.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


Make a recurring monthly donation and DOUBLE YOUR GIFT!

FAX CONGRESS! Demand they STOP Biden’s push for global WHO control. And sign our petition.


“DISEASE X - What It Is, and What It Is Not.” CEPI, January 18, 2024. Cepi.net/news_cepi/disease-x-what-it-is-and-what-it-is-not/.

Singh, Simrin. “World leaders gather to discuss hypothetical Disease X pandemic.” CBS News, January 22, 2024. Msn.com/en-us/health/other/world-leaders-gather-to-discuss-hypothetical-disease-x-pandemic/ar-AA1n9Ik5.