BREAKING: New Speech Threat And A Critical Bill...

Nov 28, 2023

Members of Congress have heard your demands to protect America from the United Nations’ plan to put America under the thumb of the World Health Organization (WHO). But not enough ... yet.

Recently, 29 members have introduced legislation that would prevent Joe Biden from signing any new WHO treaty without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval.

Now they need YOUR help to pass this bill! Today, we will discuss HR 1425, and a brazen new decree announced by yet another United Nations agency — one that seeks to override the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This 59-page document was released this month. It is the most radical attempt to censor information on a global scale we’ve yet seen.

Read on, but first fax Congress and demand they protect America from U.N. agency treaties. — Mat

The United States Constitution REQUIRES that any president MUST first seek approval by 2/3 of the United States Senate before entering our country into any treaty.

But Joe Biden doesn’t seem to care, and he is following the bad example set by both Republican and Democrat past presidents of sidestepping the U.S. Senate. For the last two years, Biden has been barreling down a path that will give America’s ability to regulate ourselves under our own laws over to an unelected globalist United Nations agency known as the World Health Organization (WHO), who also has several evil U.N. sisters!

YOUR faxes and petition signatures have alerted members of Congress to the danger that lies ahead. But we have a LONG way to go in getting this incredibly important bill passed. We need YOUR help.

Rep. Thomas Tiffany (R-WI) has introduced HR 1425, the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.” With 28 other co-sponsors, the measure seeks to reinstate and reinforce the Senate’s constitutionally prescribed role in approving treaties. Thanks to your activism over this past year, Joe Biden would have a difficult time convincing 2/3 of the Senate to approve his WHO Pandemic Treaty.

In other words, our best shot at protecting America from what will effectively amount to near total U.N. control of the United States is in passing HR 1425.

Let me give you just one example of why HR 1425 is so important . . .

As I have written to you before, the WHO has charged various subgroups with lobbying other United Nations committees and agencies to integrate the WHO Pandemic Treaty measures into their agendas.

Unfortunately, this scheme is working. Below, I will reveal the most recent shocking plan.

This month, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released a 59-page report ORDERING ALL MEMBER NATIONS to begin censoring anything that the United Nations considers “disinformation,” “misinformation,” or “conspiracy theories.”

The report sets out a list of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.”

UNESCO wants to create an “Internet of Trust” that eliminates “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “conspiracy theories” while protecting “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

But the UNESCO demand to silence speech does not end with diversity and equality issues. Instead, the report also orders member nations to flag, stop, and restrict individual posts and news reports that disagree with UNESCO narratives on elections and public health measures.

In perhaps the greatest feat of Doublespeak since Orwell wrote the novel 1984, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay claims her agency must “protect” speech by censoring it.

“Digital technology has enabled immense progress on freedom of speech, but social media platforms have also accelerated and amplified the spread of false information and hate speech, posing major risks to societal cohesion, peace and stability,” said Azoulay in a prepared statement.

“To protect access to information, we must regulate these platforms without delay, while at the same time protecting freedom of expression and human rights,” Azoulay continued.

The Biden administration is already being dragged to the U.S. Supreme Court over its censorship of Americans during the elections and the COVID pandemic. Liberty Counsel is preparing an amicus brief in this case, and we are prepared to fight to protect your RIGHT to free and uncensored speech.

BUT, if Biden manages to sign America on to the U.N. WHO Pandemic Treaty or the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the U.S. Supreme Court decision will not matter, because America will have already ceded sovereignty to the United Nations’ WHO and the World Courts.

Please, take a moment right now to fax Congress and demand they protect America. Tell Congress to VOTE YES on HR 1425, because NO president should be allowed to bypass the Constitution and the will of the people.

Also, please help our crucially important legal work. Liberty Counsel never charges our clients, as few could afford to fight a government gone mad. Instead, they rely on friends like YOU, a generous Liberty Counsel supporter, to ensure America’s precious liberties remain secure.

Right now, we are preparing a critically important brief urging the Supreme Court to stop the Biden administration from forcing social media platforms to censor your speech.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Please consider funding our important legal work defending life, religious liberty, and the natural family. Every donation today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant. Please, give generously today!

P.P.S. Don’t forget! DEMAND Congress VOTE YES on HR 1425! And please sign our petition.


“Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms.” UNESCO, 2023.‌

Newman, Alex. “Inside the UN Plan to Control Speech Online.” The Epoch Times, November 24, 2023.

Tiffany, Rep. Thomas. “H.R.1425 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.” United States Library of Congress. Accessed November 27, 2023.