Sep 13, 2023
A father called our office recently, crying desperately about a policy that allows his state to remove children from parents who refuse to affirm their child’s fake “trans” identity. Meanwhile, a shocking new undercover video reveals how Planned Parenthood and its affiliate attempted to help a 14-year-old child receive cross-sex hormones and hide it from her parents.
An evil social contagion has overtaken our land. But with your generous support, Liberty Counsel is fighting back … and it may go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Read on. — Mat
Only YOU make it possible for Liberty Counsel to defend against the LGBTQ mafia’s assault on Christians and on God’s design for a healthy family and humanity. Please support our legal fund today, and a generous Challenge Grant will DOUBLE the impact of your donation.
“You don’t know what it’s like to live in a state where you can lose custody of your child if you refuse to affirm their ‘trans’ identity,” the desperate father cried as he spoke to one of our staff.
Unable to move out of his ultra-liberal state, the father pulled his kids out of the local public school — to shield them from the LGBTQ indoctrination being preached there and to protect his family from a state government determined to eradicate parental rights on the altar of “transgenderism."
A bill pending in Congress that needs only six more votes to pass would make America like this liberal state. The “Equality Act” would force the LGBTQ agenda into every corner and trample parental rights.
Not long after receiving this father’s call, the group “Gays Against Groomers” busted Planned Parenthood in yet another shocking undercover recording.
The organization had an adult actor pose as “Kelly,” a 14-year-old girl whose parents did not want her to receive a “sex change.” In the video, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York employee named Mariella directs “Kelly” to Planned Parenthood’s partner, Community Healthcare Network (CHN), which will help her get cross-sex hormones without her parents ever knowing.
Once on the phone a CHN employee named Brian tells “Kelly” that not only can the organization get her on cross-sex hormones, but it can also help her hide this information from her parents.
Brian then explains to “Kelly” the complex system the organization has established to keep parents in the dark about the cross-sex hormones and “gender affirming care.”
“Let’s say your mom calls and she somehow knew your name, date of birth, and an email — or your dad. The tags are going to ask them to identify themselves, and then if they come up as either mom or dad, then the representative will have to decline the call,” Brian explained. “But, since you’re not getting any mail to your address, there should be no reason for them to ever know that you’re getting services from us.”
Brian then sets up “Kelly” for her first appointment with clinic physician Dr. Connor Carmichael, so the girl can begin her secret “transition” into “boyhood.”
The father who called our office had good reason to cry. The folks at Planned Parenthood and their allies and affiliates will stop at nothing to continue leading America’s children to the butcher block. After all, abortion rates in America have fallen since Roe v. Wade was overturned. Planned Parenthood and its affiliates are now making up for that lost business income by “transifying” our kids ... and hiding it from parents.
Now Congress is getting into the child “sex change” action as well.
HR 15, the so-called “Equality Act” seeks to eliminate religious freedom protections for doctors, nurses, pastors, and even churches who refuse to bow to the LGBTQ’s radical agenda.
HR 15 even specifically denigrates Christian change counseling despite the fact (or perhaps because of the fact) that this counseling has been found to save the children who have fallen victim to the “trans” social contagion seeking to castrate and sterilize the next generation.
HR 15 is very close to passing. With 212 co-sponsors, this legislation only needs six more votes to pass. Even if you have faxed before, please alert Congress now. They need to know that the American people will NOT tolerate the push to mutilate our children!
Liberty Counsel has fought hard to overturn change counseling bans across the country. Our lawsuits have already overturned 23 bans in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. But 87 bans remain in place in states and localities across the nation.
During the Sept. 26 “super conference,” the U.S. Supreme Court will review a change counsel case to determine if it will be included in the High Court’s docket. This will set up a huge battle at the Supreme Court.
Regardless of what happens with HR 15, we need your immediate financial help to defeat these life-threatening counseling bans.
A generous Challenge Grant will help fund our legal work. Every gift made to our legal fund today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT. The fight before us is massive. With God’s grace and your help, we can win this fight. Please give generously today.
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Novielli, Carole. “Undercover Sting Alleges Planned Parenthood Referred 14-Year-Old for Transgender Services.” Live Action News, September 9, 2023.