Jun 28, 2023
The German representative to the World Health Organization (WHO) tipped the tyrant’s hand last month at the World Health Assembly. The 300 amendments and the treaty discussed in Geneva, Switzerland, is a “historic game changer for the WHO.”
I will share information from the front line.
Joe Biden has refused to update Congress on the TREATY he is attempting to unlawfully sign without senatorial consent. Please help us alert and educate Congress NOW about Biden’s plan to put the United Nations and the World Health Organization in charge of everything we do. — Mat
Germany’s representative to the WHO made this startling admission on Monday during the World Health Assembly in Geneva:
This 62-page document before us that we are supposed to note, might look just like normal program budget that we approve every 2 years, but this would be truly misleading. The program budget is nothing less than a historic game changer for the WHO. (emphasis added)
The U.S. House bill HR 79 would pull America out of the WHO and defund the WHO. Additionally, the House can defund the WHO in the upcoming budget. The House must hold hearings on the WHO and expose Biden’s plan. And the Senate must insist that Biden not try an end run around the Constitution.
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann spent last month in Geneva, monitoring the World Health Assembly where Joe Biden and his health secretary, Xavier Becerra, are poised to put America under the United Nations and the World Health Organization’s control.
Michele briefed my staff on the events she witnessed.
“It’s like they are rewriting the Constitution and the declaration of independence for all the world to live under,” Bachmann says.
Despite being a very small city of less than a half-million people, “ALL of the most powerful globalists and their associated organizations are located in Geneva, which has over the years become one of the world’s power centers. Now it seeks to become the only power center,” Bachmann says.
The world’s super rich like Klaus Schwab have homes on nearby Lake Geneva, and his World Economic Forum is headquartered not far from the WHO. Bill Gates’ many “charities” have offices in Geneva as well as over 1,400 other nongovernmental organizations eager for U.S. tax dollars to fund their globalist ideas.
And right now, those folks and the “charity” representatives are working on a treaty that gives the U.N. and the WHO alarming new powers.
This entire charade is a ploy, says Bachmann, to create a one world government that is wielded not from the capitols of nations, not from Brussels or Washington, D.C., but from the tiny Swiss city of Geneva.
Last month, the WHO Assembly met to review more than 300 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) combined with a new “Pandemic Treaty.” This treaty changes the WHO’s charter from being an “advisory” body to a global “enforcement” body dictating every aspect of our lives under the guise of “health” and “climate change.”
As the amendments stand right now, (1) the WHO would be able to CLOSE the borders of cities, states, and nations, (2) FORCE you to take their recommended medicines, (3) FORBID you from having access to medicines like vitamins and ivermectin, which saved so many lives during COVID, (4) DICTATE international shutdowns, abortion policies, and gender ideology, (5) REMOVE actual animal meat from grocery stores, expecting you to eat “lab grown meat” and crickets for protein, (6) IMPOSE its “climate change” agenda, and much more.
You can’t make up this kind of craziness, yet they proposed all this and more in Geneva.
Omar Hilale, the Moroccan ambassador to the United Nations and previously permanent representative to the U.N. in Geneva, made clear the one world nature of the group’s intentions … and how they got to this moment in history.
Ambassador Hilale met with the directors of the WHO, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations director-general, and the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) Bureau in Geneva. Hilale made special note of the fact that he has met several times with Bill Gates’ GAVI as well as the “leading pharmaceutical companies” (many of which are also based in Geneva).
Gates, his charities, and Big Pharma made billions off of COVID after all, so perhaps we should not be surprised that they are spending such a large amount of time with an ambassador to the United Nations, trying to whip the countries of the world into agreeing to forfeit their sovereignty to the global elite.
Hilale says he is working to develop a “political plan” to ensure WORLD adoption of this new WHO treaty. “Unprecedented and historical” meetings to ensure political buy-in of their agenda began June 7 of this year, according to the ambassador.
These meetings seek to “reaffirm and strengthen the central role of the WHO” as the “directing and coordinating authority” on “international health” before pressuring all of the United Nations to come on board.
“I urge all member states to come together so we can have the strongest declaration possible in NY” (for the June meeting), the ambassador said.
For nearly three weeks, this man and his globalist cohorts have been meeting on U.S. soil to negotiate the end of U.S. sovereignty. Not one member of Congress is yet involved with the process.
… but Joe Biden’s team is VERY involved.
Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) was in Geneva this week. And DESPITE America’s current debt ceiling “negotiations,” Joe Biden is having with Congress, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra informed WHO members on Monday that Biden has promised the WHO 1.85 BILLION dollars to implement its one world government scheme.
We MUST wake Congress and force them to pay attention before it is too late. We have updated our congressional fax to reflect new facts Congress needs to know in order to protect our rights, our Constitution, and our very way of life. Please FAX Congress NOW!
Please consider funding our important legal work defending life, natural family values, and religious liberty. Our work is truly saving lives while preserving liberty. Please support our legal work with a recurring monthly donation to our legal defense fund. Every donation will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a generous Challenge Grant.
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
“Strategic Roundtables: Seventy-Sixth World Health Assembly.” World Health Organization, May 22, 2023. Who.int/news-room/events/detail/2023/05/22/default-calendar/strategic-roundtables-seventy-sixth-world-health-assembly.