This Destroys the Media Spin

Sep 8, 2022

The media want you to believe that children raised in same-sex households are happy and healthy and would not have things any other way. But the children themselves tell a far different story.

Democrats and a small number of Republicans in Congress are pushing HR 8404, a sick bill aimed at codifying same-sex marriage and forcing states to recognize laws like California’s child bride marriage. To understand the impact of HR 8404, I will let you hear from the children.

But first, take note that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has declared HR 8404 at the top of his list of things to pass now that Congress has returned from summer break. Please, for the sake of America’s children, fax Congress NOW and tell them to VOTE NO on HR 8404/S 4556! Then read on for the facts about this dangerous bill. —Mat

“If childrearing were just about providing stability by any two parents regardless of gender, then my mom and her partner would have been everything that I needed in life,” Katy says.

“They cared for me. I cannot remember major strife in their home stemming from their relationship with each other or with me, but that was not enough."

Now an adult, Katy joined other adult children raised in same-sex households in submitting an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the rogue same-sex marriage opinion, Obergefell v. Hodges.

There are certain things that only a father can provide for his daughter, says Katy, who grew up with a deep longing for a father’s affection.

“My family felt stretched, complicated, and sometimes full of hurt,” says Katy as one who initially supported same-sex marriage out of a “fierce protectiveness” for her mother and her mother’s partner. But Katy’s attitude totally changed when she started her own family.

“It wasn’t until I became a mother myself,” she says, “that the crucial need for both parents in the home, raising their children together, really sank in.”

For decades, scientific studies have continued to show what common sense tells us—children do best when raised by both their mother and father. Male and female parents matter for the well-being of children and adults.

Recently, a research brief from the Institute for Family Studies shows that children raised by both of their biological parents (mother and father) are significantly less likely to face poverty or prison, and they are also more likely to graduate from college.

Girls are not the only ones negatively impacted by growing up in a same-sex parented household. One young man raised by lesbians put it this way:  

“When I was young, I was very aware of the assumption: Two women plus one son equals a [screwed-up*] guy.”

Or as Katy said in the Obergefell brief, “Regardless of how the child finds her way into a same-sex headed household … trauma will play a role in the child’s life. Institutionalizing same-sex marriage will encourage more adults to create families where either mother or father are excluded.”

And if the twisted “Respect for Marriage Act” passes, many more children will be left longing for a parental figure who has been denied them, and some placed in danger of pedophilic “grooming.”

God designed marriage with specific purposes, one of the most important being to raise healthy, happy, emotionally stable children that can grow up to lead their respective generations. 

But congressional Democrats continually try to erase God’s design and destroy marriage and the natural family. That is what HR 8404 would do.

If HR 8404 passes, every state will be forced to accept any other state’s marriage laws, no matter how perverse those “marriage” laws may be. 

For instance, in addition to same-sex marriage, California will be able to force its pedophilia-enabling child bride laws on every other state … and every other state will be forced to honor those insane laws!

HR 8404 is a high priority for Senate Majority Leader Schumer, who has indicated it is on his immediate legislative list now that the Senate has returned from its summer break.

Please, take a moment to stand up for our nation’s children. Please sign our petition and fax Congress NOW demanding Congress VOTE NO on HR 8404!

As you do, please also prayerfully consider making a recurring monthly donation to support our landmark legal work defending religious freedom.  

We have many ongoing cases. We recently obtained a classwide injunction against the Department of Defense (DOD) and the U.S. Marines. We are now amid intense discovery. We are also working on the Coast Guard and the Army. There are now classwide injunctions for the Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Marines.

We continue to help scores of people facing COVID shot mandates. The federal court has approved the process for our class action settlement of more than 10.3 million dollars against NorthShore University HealthSystem. The final approval is expected in December.

And we are defending Sandra Merritt who exposed the gruesome harvesting of baby body parts. We are also filing briefs in multiple states to protect the sanctity of human life.

We have multiple high-impact cases pending in state and federal courtrooms across America, but we are only able to perform our vital work because of faithful supporters like YOU. Every donation made today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a Challenge Grant.

Thank you in advance for taking action with us and sending a special gift of support. May God bless you and your family!

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Also, add your name to our petition to urge Congress to vote NO on HR 8404.


Boyd-Barrett, Claudia. “California Laws Don’t Prevent Minors from Marrying Adults.” California Health Report, September 10, 2021.

“California Marriage Age Requirements Laws.” FindLaw, August 14, 2020.

Faust, Katy. “Regardless of the Congressional Vote on Gay Marriage, Children Need Both a Mother and Father.” Restoring America. Washington Examiner, July 25, 2022.

“H.R. 8404—Respect for Marriage Act.” House of Representatives Committee on Rules. July 18, 2022.

“S.4556 - Respect for Marriage Act.” July 19, 2022.

Wilcox, W. Bradford, Wendy Wang and Ian Rowe. “Less Poverty, Less Prison, More College: What Two Parents Mean for Black and White Children.” Institute for Family Studies, June 17, 2021.