Shocking Witness Intimidation by the DOD

Mar 14, 2022

The evening before our hearing last week in Navy SEAL 1 v. Austin, one of our witnesses was ordered NOT to testify regarding certain critical information related to the high number of COVID shot injuries. Our military witness, a doctor, was visibly shaken. The hearing the next day was one of the most extraordinary legal proceedings I’ve yet experienced. —Mat

Do not let Joe Biden kick Christians out of the military! Give now and have YOUR IMPACT DOUBLED by a generous Challenge Grant.

Under federal law 18 USC 1512, it is a crime to intimidate or threaten a witness with the intent to influence, alter or withhold their testimony. On the evening before our hearing, I was overviewing testimony with our witness, Lt. Col. Teresa Long, when she received a call from her commander.

After leaving the room to take the call, she returned visibly shaken. A superior officer higher than her immediate commander had ordered her not to testify regarding certain critical information relevant to our case!

I have never witnessed anything like this. The government intentionally threatened a witness under subpoena on the eve of testimony in a federal court. But once again, it showed that the Biden administration thinks the law does not apply to them.

The scene in the courtroom the next day was dramatic.

Lt. Col. Long joined the Army at age 16. She is a medical doctor, holds a master’s in public health administration and is an expert in the military’s database that tracks all military health billing codes.

Dr. Long was part of the team of whistleblowers who conducted a study of the last five years of Department of Defense’s (DOD) Defense Military Epidemiology Database (DMED) to track symptoms and disease diagnoses before and after the advent of COVID shots. She and others compared the prior five years to 2021 and found a dramatic increase in injuries and illnesses after the COVID shots became available.

Dr. Long informed her commander that she was protected under the Whistleblower Act. The commander stated the order had come from much higher up in the chain of command.

When Dr. Long returned to the conference room, she was in tears.

“I’m watching these people die and they are telling me I can’t say anything,” she said. Already that afternoon, Dr. Long had received four calls from service members who had developed myocarditis after receiving the shots.

Thursday morning, before entering the courtroom, Dr. Long says the Holy Spirit gave her a verse: “If you are called to testify about something you have seen or that you know about, it is sinful to refuse to testify, and you will be punished for your sin” (Lev. 5:1).

Do not let Joe Biden kick Christians out of the military! Give now and have YOUR IMPACT DOUBLED by a generous Challenge Grant.

After taking the oath on the witness stand, Dr. Long shared her extensive education and training in the Army, medicine and public health. For her degree in public health, Dr. Long spent a year researching the DOD’s DMED.

When I asked her a question about the DMED, she said, “I have been ordered not to answer that question.” Judge Steven Merryday immediately asked, “Ordered by who?” She then testified about what happened the night before the hearing.

I then asked Dr. Long if the information the military ordered her not to testify to was relevant and important to the court and the public. She said, “Yes.” I then asked “Why?”

She paused, held back tears, looked at the judge and said, “I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me ... I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it. I’m OK with that because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed.”

This was just one dramatic moment in this incredible hearing. I will share more details later this week.

NO ONE should be forced to take a minimally tested experimental drug, especially when that drug violates a person’s deeply held religious convictions. In fact, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protects federal employees—including military members.

We need your help. Liberty Counsel represents every branch of the military in our landmark class action lawsuit. We are now working with nearly 900 service members, and that number grows each week. This is in addition to federal employees, federal civilian contractors, health care workers and others who have been unlawfully mandated to get the COVID shots or face punishment.

The brave men and women of the U.S. military have sacrificed everything to protect our freedom. Please prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to protect their freedom TODAY.

A generous Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your gift.

Liberty Counsel will fight to the very gates of hell, if we must, to defend the religious liberty of every American!

Help us STOP JOE BIDEN’s RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION against Faithful Military Members!

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Want to do more? Fax state and federal legislators to demand they STOP THE SHOT MANDATES! And sign the petition.


“18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or an Informant.” n.d. LII / Legal Information Institute. Accessed March 11, 2022.

‌ “Court Urged to Grant Military Class Action Relief.” Liberty Counsel, February 23, 2022.

‌“Emergency Relief Extended in Navy SEAL 1 v. Biden.” Liberty Counsel, February 11, 2022.

“Liberty Counsel Returns to Court in Military Case.” Liberty Counsel, March 10, 2022.

“Resources & Research: COVID Vaccine.” Liberty Counsel, 2021.