Oct 23, 2021
Liberty Counsel filed a class action lawsuit against Joe Biden and his administration on behalf of military members, federal employees and federal civil contractors. However, this lawsuit could impact the rights of everyone regarding the COVID shot mandates. —Mat
Help us SUE JOE BIDEN! Select here or the button below.
Katherine* has been a member of the military for 24 years. She currently serves in the Navy Reserve. Joe Biden’s COVID shot mandate goes against her deeply held religious beliefs. Katherine would prefer to retire and be done with this administration’s mandate, but her superiors won’t allow her to do so without taking the shot.
Military members are being told that if they do not get the shot, not only will they be dishonorably discharged, but they could also face imprisonment.
“This is not the United States of America that I grew up in, defended and loved,” Katherine writes.
Last week, on Friday, Oct. 15, Liberty Counsel filed a class action lawsuit against Joe Biden and his administration on behalf of members of the military, federal employees and federal civilian contractors who have been unlawfully mandated to get the COVID shots or face dishonorable discharge from the military or termination from employment. On Monday this week, the federal court set an expedited hearing.
Liberty Counsel’s military plaintiffs in this lawsuit have all sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to sacrificially lay down their lives for their fellow citizens, if necessary, against enemies both foreign and domestic.
Yet, under Biden’s lawless order, these military heroes face dishonorable discharge, court-martial, termination and other disciplinary actions merely for submitting their religious exemption requests as is their legal and constitutional RIGHT.
Our lawsuit aims to free not only members of the military, federal employees and civilian contractors, but also every American. Here’s why:
The mandates violate federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) law. An FDA letter dated Aug. 23, 2021, expressly states there are NO FDA-approved COVID shots available:
“Although COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) is approved to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older, there is not sufficient approved vaccine for distribution for the population” (FDA letter to Pfizer, page 6, footnote 12, emphasis added).
According to the FDA, the Pfizer shot and BioNTech’s Comirnaty are LEGALLY DISTINCT. Pfizer remains under Emergency Use Authorization while Comirnaty is FDA approved. BUT Comirnaty is unavailable because “there is not sufficient approved vaccine for distribution to the population.”
Help Liberty Counsel SUE JOE BIDEN!
Further, the mandates violate religious freedom.
The plaintiffs all hold sincere religious beliefs against the COVID shots on the basis that their body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and to defile it is a sin against God.
In addition, the plaintiffs do not want to participate directly or indirectly, or otherwise be associated with, the destruction of human life through abortion by injecting a product that contains or was tested or developed with aborted fetal cell lines.
The plaintiffs’ free exercise of religion is protected under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA).
Regarding RFRA, the Supreme Court wrote, “That statute prohibits the federal government from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion unless it demonstrates that doing so both furthers a compelling governmental interest and represents the least restrictive means of furthering that interest.”
The Court referred to RFRA as a “super statute.” The First Amendment also protects plaintiffs’ free exercise of religion.
In addition to members of the military, we represent clients on behalf of the 3.7 million civilian contractors and 2 million federal employees facing the shot mandates.
Yet, the Biden administration has NO authority to require COVID shots for the military or for federal employees or civilian contractors. Nor can the Biden administration pretend that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment do not apply to its unlawful mandates.
Tens of thousands have now reached out to Liberty Counsel for help against Joe Biden’s unlawful and deceitful shot mandates. We need your help!
Military members are facing looming deadlines—if they are not injected, they will be dishonorably discharged, and many will be JAILED for demanding their right to refuse the jab.
The volume and intensity of our work is overwhelming. My staff and I have often cried with these desperate people as they call our office, even as we continue to work around the clock and throughout weekends to help them.
Help us defend the defenders of freedom and the millions of others who face the jab or losing their job. Select here or the button below to give now and DOUBLE the impact of your gift through our Challenge Grant.
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
*Name has been changed to protect the client's identity.
“FDA Does a Bait and Switch with COVID Shots - Liberty Counsel.” 2021. Lc.org. Accessed October 8, 2021. lc.org/newsroom/details/082721-fda-does-a-bait-and-switch-with-covid-shots.
Hinton, Denise M. Denise M. Hinton to Pfizer Inc., Attention: Mr. Amit Patel, New York, NY, September 22, 2021. fda.gov/media/150386/download.
“Naval Personnel Deceived about COVID Shots and Immunity - Liberty Counsel.” 2021. Lc.org. Accessed October 8, 2021. lc.org/newsroom/details/092021-naval-personnel-deceived-about-covid-shots-and-immunity.
“Resources & Research.” Liberty Counsel, 2021. LC.org/vaccine.