Religious Freedom Group Begins in Romania With Support of Liberty Counsel

Oct 17, 2022

On October 15, Liberty Counsel Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel Harry Mihet participated in the launch of the Christian Institute for Rights and Freedoms, Romania’s first public interest law firm dedicated to advancing and defending religious liberty. Mihet signed a collaboration protocol between Liberty Counsel and the Institute.

Liberty Counsel's Harry Mihet (center) joins Timotei Lavric and Rene Motec from the Institute

Christian Institute for Rights and Freedoms is a multifaceted organization which includes attorneys, intellectuals, academicians and clerics dedicated to promoting and defending fundamental freedoms and Christian values. The Institute will provide pro bono legal services as well as work to influence public policy and provide education.

The collaboration statement says, “In recognition of their shared goals and mission to advance and defend human dignity, fundamental freedoms, and timeless Christian values, including religious liberty, the sanctity of human life and the family, this 15th day of October, in the 2022nd year of our Lord, the Christian Institute for Rights and Freedoms and Liberty Counsel mutually commit and pledge themselves to defend these unalienable rights and freedoms wherever and whenever they are imperiled, with dedication, passion and professionalism.”

Mihet is originally from Romania. In 1989, he witnessed hundreds of thousands of Romanian people finally experience freedom after decades of communist oppression. The first day of freedom for Mihet and his fellow Romanians was December 25, 1989. It was then that as a 12-year-old boy, Mihet decided he wanted to become an attorney and defend religious liberty. 

Mihet delivered the keynote address at the official launch of the Christian Institute for Rights and Freedoms last Saturday. On Sunday, Mihet spoke in two churches where he grew up and where his dad with others pastored 17 churches during communist oppression. 

Mihet said, “It is clear to me that the Romanian people are as much in love with freedom today, and as determined to keep it, as they were when I left this beautiful nation immediately after the Revolution of 1989. I have huge hopes for this new initiative, and I am eagerly awaiting to see how the Lord will use it to advance and defend freedom in this corner of the world.”

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