Planned Parenthood’s Profitable Mission Continues “Above & Beyond”

Apr 18, 2024

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey on June 24, 2022, Planned Parenthood aborted five percent more unborn children during the 2022-2023 fiscal year than the previous year and brought in more than $2.9 billion in assets.

In the recently released 2022-2023 fiscal year annual report titled, “Above & Beyond,” Planned Parenthood states it performed 392,715 abortions. That means Planned Parenthood killed 1,075 babies in abortions every single day even though the abortion giant claims its main focus is merely “women’s health care.” In other words, Planned Parenthood kills 44 babies every hour. 

This provides further evidence that despite the fact that the High Court ruled there is no right to an abortion on a federal level, Planned Parenthood continues to make profit from abortions its top priority. However, in the annual report the abortion giant commiserates that “since the Supreme Court’s decision to take away the federal constitutional right to abortion, more than 20 states have banned some or all abortions…the health care providers and staff at Planned Parenthood’s nearly 600 health centers across the country have had the most trying of times.” However, the report brags that “demand at Planned Parenthood health centers in states where abortion is legal has soared by up to 700 percent.”

“Above & Beyond” also shows that 34 percent of Planned Parenthood's revenue, $699.3 million, comes from “government health services reimbursements and grants,” or taxpayer dollars. 

Even though it is the largest abortion provider in America, Planned Parenthood’s annual report claims that abortion is only four percent of the organization’s “medical services” for the last fiscal year. However, Planned Parenthood arrives at this false statistic by dividing the number of children it aborted (392,715) for the year by the number of “services” the group provided (9.13 million). This means when a woman visits a Planned Parenthood facility to obtain an abortion, she is also given a pregnancy test, an STI test, a cancer screening and contraception. Therefore, the abortion procedure would be considered 20 percent of the “services” she received. This is why the group lists its annual “services” as much higher than the number of patients it saw last year (2.05 million). Using this deceptive formula, the report manipulates the data to make it appear as if abortion is a tiny percent of its “services,” though a much higher percentage of actual patients who visit Planned Parenthood facilities are there, first and foremost, to obtain an abortion. 

Planned Parenthood also has added another money maker in recent years. Forty-five affiliates offered hormones and puberty blockers in 2022 which makes it the second largest provider of harmful puberty blockers and hormone treatments in America. 

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Planned Parenthood’s annual report reveals once again that its primary mission is making huge profit by aborting innocent babies. Abortion is not health care, and it certainly is not safe. It is the intentional act of killing a human being. That is human genocide for profit. Even though the High Court overturned the 1973 abortion decisions, we must now continue to fight to protect these helpless children.” 

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