Mar 22, 2024
Liberty Counsel filed the notice of appeal to the First Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Maine health care workers since U.S. District Court Judge Jon Levy dismissed their case as moot.
In Alicia Lowe, et al., v. Janet Mills, the case should return to the lower court for discovery in order to obtain a permanent injunction against the state’s unconstitutional law that prohibits religious accommodations for compulsory immunizations.
Liberty Counsel represents seven health care workers against Governor Janet Mills, Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services Jeanne M. Lambrew, and Director of Center for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Puthiery Va.
Governor Janet Mills previously argued the case should be dismissed as moot because the state no longer mandates the COVID-19 shot for health care employees. However, Gov. Mills has already caused illegal harm to the health care workers by unlawfully prohibiting the state’s hospitals from granting their religious exemptions from the COVID-19 shots. Governor Mills also threatened to revoke the licenses of all health care employers who failed to mandate the experimental injection to their employees. As a result, these health care workers were terminated from their positions.
In addition, the law with no provision for religious exemptions remains in effect preventing the state from guaranteeing this will not happen again in the future.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Maine cannot ignore federal law by summarily dismissing employees who have sincerely held religious objections to the experimental COVID shots. This unconstitutional law must be stopped.”