Oral Argument "Boot Camp" Will Be Held Today in Ten Commandments Case

Feb 11, 2005

Today, Liberty Counsel will hold the first of four "moot court" sessions in preparation for the Ten Commandments oral argument at the U.S. Supreme Court. "Moot courts" are mock oral argument practice sessions. With oral arguments only 19 days away, this preparation and training will sharpen Mat Staver's ability to answer questions. A panel of attorneys will fire legal questions at him, just as the nine Justices will do on March 2.

The first draft of the Reply Brief is complete, but editing will continue. This Brief is critical, as it is the last official document the Supreme Court will receive before March 2.

"A generation of young people do not realize this was at one time an overwhelmingly Christianized nation and that public policy is now out of step with the Founding Fathers and the American People. Faith and Freedom sets the record straight." - Tim LaHaye, Founder and President, Family Life Ministries