Jun 4, 2019
MADISON, WI – School administrators allowed a male science teacher in Madison Metropolitan School District to show a personal “transgender coming out” video to every class of K-5th grade children at Allis Elementary School. The male teacher also instructed all of the students to call him by a woman’s name, an invented title of “Mix” instead of “Mr.,” and to call him by false plural pronouns. Liberty Counsel sent a records request to the school district to begin uncovering the full extent of this teacher’s inappropriate activism in the classroom.
As set forth on his personal Facebook, Mark Vincent Busenbark, who claims to be “transgender” and/or “non-binary,” had long anticipated showing the video to every elementary grade child present at school on May 16, 2019. Busenbark now calls himself “Vica Steel,” and states the purpose of the video was so “all [the children] can know who I am and who I am becoming.”
Wisconsin Teacher’s Assault on Students
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Mat Staver on the Todd Starnes Show (SOURCE)