END the Big Pharma Protection Acts!
Vaccine makers should pay for the injuries and deaths they cause.
Fax Congress Now!
Beginning in the 1980s, vaccine manufacturers were being sued so often for the side effects and deaths their vaccines caused that they reached out to Congress for help.
Congress willingly obliged, passing two laws that absolve the vaccine makers of any and all liability.
No matter how many people a vaccine injures or kills, the drug companies never pay a dime.
It’s time for that to change.

Fax the House and Senate Leadership for just $5!

Fax the ENTIRE Senate for $45.

Fax the two previous options plus the ENTIRE House. That’s over 500 faxes for only $99!
Faxes will be delivered shortly after donation is made. Any amount you give above the cost to send a fax supports our organization. If you would rather sign a petition without a gift, select here.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to respectfully demand that this Congress END the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, as well as the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) of 2005, both of which absolve pharmaceutical companies of any and all liability, no matter how many people their vaccines injure or kill.
U.S. taxpayers should absolutely NOT have to pay for the damages caused by gigantic, multitrillion-dollar, multinational drug makers and vaccine companies.
Make Big Pharma, not the American taxpayer, pay their victims. Overturn the NCVIA and PREP today.
A Concerned American