With the Senate’s March 2021 confirmation of Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services appointees, his radical LGBT agenda got a big boost.
On March 18, Xavier Becerra assumed the top post as secretary of Health and Human Services. As a former U.S. congressman and California state attorney general—and someone who has no background in public health aside from formulating policy—Becerra was not a shoo-in. The vote was extremely close, 50-49, but in his favor.
As the attorney general of California, Becerra brought felony charges against Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden for their undercover work exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts. Liberty Counsel is defending Merritt against this politically motivated prosecution as well as in a civil suit Planned Parenthood brought against her.
As California’s AG, Becerra also defended a state law requiring pro-life pregnancy help centers to promote abortion. The Supreme Court struck down this law in 2018. Liberty Counsel’s case, Mountain Right to Life v. Becerra, was one of four cases before the High Court involving the same law.
Becerra also sued to take away religious freedom from the nuns of Little Sisters of the Poor, asserting they should be forced to pay for birth control and abortifacients.
Nearly a week after Becerra’s confirmation, on March 24, an even more controversial figure became the nation’s assistant secretary of health with a Senate vote of 52-48. The assistant secretary, a biological man identifying as a woman, now goes by the name “Rachel” Levine. His original first name was Richard.
At the Senate confirmation hearing, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) took the “transgender” Levine to task over his support for child “sex changes.”
Formerly Pennsylvania's secretary of health, Levine also came under fire for relocating his mother from a nursing home but forcing COVID-19 hospitalized patients back into their nursing homes.
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