Your gift now defends Sandra against Planned Parenthood's vicious attacks!

Planned Parenthood and its government allies are on the attack against Sandra Merritt, the courageous pro-life grandmother who exposed Planned Parenthood's horrific trade in baby body parts. Your gift now will help us fight back against this $1.7 billion abortion giant!

Your generosity today enables Liberty Counsel to stand with Sandra against the vicious two-front attack launched against her by California's Attorney General and Planned Parenthood.

Sandra is fighting a baseless and politically motivated criminal indictment that could put her behind bars for years. And Planned Parenthood is also targeting her with a vicious and baseless civil lawsuit—now under appeal—demanding millions from this courageous pro-life hero.

This is the most expensive legal battle in Liberty Counsel history—and it's far from over. 

Your generosity today enables Liberty Counsel to stand with Sandra against the vicious two-front attack launched against her by California's Attorney General and Planned Parenthood.

Sandra is fighting a baseless and politically motivated criminal indictment that could put her behind bars for years. And Planned Parenthood is also targeting her with a vicious and baseless civil lawsuit—now under appeal—demanding millions from this courageous pro-life hero.

Defend Freedom!
Help fund Liberty Counsel’s defense of life, family and freedom!